The human brain weighs about a pound at birth (less than half a kilogram), but if a person reaches the age of six brain weight is three pounds. What is the reason for the increase in weight? According to experts, we stand, when learning to talk and walk the Politics Show us think bchny a network of contacts in the brain and increases the weight.
There are about a hundred billion cells in our brain. Other cells of the cerebral brain cells interact with one thousand to ten thousand and transfer of messages between cells is a thousandth of a second.

Brain weight is about two percent of total body weight, but it provides the body the mind of the twenty percent of the Oxus and twenty to thirty percent of the entire body uses energy.
The message to the brain, our muscles four hundred kilometers per hour arriving.
Four micron thick pin of a cerebral nerve cells, which mean that thirty thousand cells such a pin (PIN) can fit on the tip.
Ddulfn a mature adult human brain, brain weight is more than our brains in the elephant brain is four to five times larger.
Only five to ten minutes to mind for some reason could not provide Oaks which can severely damage it and may be in danger.
The network of blood vessels in the human brain is a set of its total length is about seven hundred kilometers.
Every time a new idea or a new phenomenon arises in your mind if you miss two or more brain cells are among the new contacts come into existence.
When you are awake then your mind is twenty-five watts of power to produce electricity. This is enough electricity to light a bulb. 

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