The UK National Statistics Office of National Statistics Institute said. Tyuu be used in vehicles that seat is now almost obsolete. The purchase of this highly popular tool has now been reduced to. Inflation review that the company now does not include his studies.

Set Niue biggest cause of the fall of the popularity of smart phones are being told. Now almost every kind of smart phone and satellite navigation technology in vehicles, there is also the facility.

It appears that the drop in demand for satellite technology not only provides the tools that have changed.

DVC senior technology specialist Paul says it is not surprising: 18 months ago to 46% of the users were set Nuevo, are now only 39 per cent. '

Technology race has been so rapid that the latest products are now redundant.

Pager so you will be missed. In an era when doctors use it in the 90s, so it is smart to know the status of people stuck in their belts appear. Then it suddenly disappeared. Motorola pagers stopped making them in 2001.

Sony Mini Disc launch in 1992, which was to be expected that it will replace the CD and cassette, but the addition of a specific class player is not popular.

Launch of the first year of less than 50 thousand units sold in the market. Such laser disc and Blu-ray video playback book that was known about the secret of his will in the world, but it was not.

So take the new devices will now soon be obsolete? Doug stympr researcher says that is not mandatory. "You see the radio, people are listening hundred years, and still hear. In addition to the many amenities that people want a device. The device provides a facility of the future is not good. '

When I look at some of the devices are still in use:

Pager: Daily Mail newspaper reported in 2014 that the government offices since the 2010 elections pagers spent more than five million pounds. According to government sources, the mobile phone is blocked in some sensitive buildings that are still prevalent in the government pager.

Fax: Fax machine in Japan is still found in every office. According to a survey, 85% of Japanese businessmen are considered an integral part of your business fax.

Laser disc: BBC Danny Baker said in an interview that he has thousands discs lease, but the player is not to run.  

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