Factors influencing development
Political- If a country has an unstable government it might not invest in things like healthcare, education and improving the economy. This leads to slow development or no development at all.
Social-Some government are corrupt. This means some people in the country get richer whilst other stay poor and have a low quality of life.
Economic_ countries with mineral deposits and energy resources were more likely to develop than countries that do not have

      If there's war in a country the country loses money that could be spent on development.
Poor trade links
World trade patterns influence a countries economy and so affect their level of development.
If a country has poor trade links it wont make a lot of money so there will be less to spend on development
Lots of debt
Very poor countries borrow money from other countries and international organisations.
This money has to be paid back and sometimes with interest.
Any money a country makes is used to pay back the money so isn't used to develop
An economy based on primary products
Countries that mostly export primary products tend to be less developed.
This is because you don’t make much profit by selling primary products.
Their prices also fluctuate- sometimes the price falls below the cost of production.
This means people make less money so the government has less to spend on development

Drinking water
If the only water people can drink is dirty then they will get ill from waterborne diseases such as typhoid and cholera.
Being ill reduces a persons quality of life.
Ill people can work so don’t add money to the economy and also cost money to treat.
The place of women in society
Women who have an equal place in society are more likely to be educated  and to work.
Women who are educated and work have a better quality of life and the country ha more money to spend on development as there are more people contributing to the economy.
Child education
The more children that go to school the more developed a country will be. This is because they will get a better education and so will get better jobs. Being educated and having a good job improves a persons quality of life and increases the money  the country has to spend on development.

Consequences of Inequality

High birthrate and infant mortality rates
Poorer education facilities( lower levels of literacy, less time spent in school)
More jobs in primary and informal sector and fewer in the secondary, tertiary and formal sector
Smaller volume of trade, a need to ask for aid
Less purchasing power per capital

United Kingdom
Population 65 million

GDP ($US) 36039

Health 17

Life expectancy 78

Birth rates 12

Death rates 10

Urban 89%

HDI 0.939

Employment tertiary 69%

Employment primary 2%


 Population 143million        Employment primary 24%

GDP ($US) 4078            Employment tertiary 29%

Health 42            HDI 0.795

Life expectancy 71        Urban 53%

Birth rates 10            Death rates 12


Population 144million

GDP ($US) 405

Health 2

Life expectancy 61

Birth rates 27

Death rates 8

Urban 23%

HDI 0.520

Employment tertiary 19%

Employment primary 65%
Global inequalities case study

Hurricane Mitch hit Nicaragua and Honduras in October 1998:
Around 3000 people were killed.
Crops failed and 50 000 animals died.
70% of roads were unusable and 71 bridges were damaged or destroyed.
23 900 houses were destroyed and 17 600 were damaged.
340 schools and 90 health centres were damaged or destroyed.

Around 7000 people were killed.
The hurricane destroyed 70% of the countries crops.
Around 70-80% of the transport infrastructure was severely damaged.
35 000 houses were destroyed and 50 000 more were damaged.
20% of schools were damaged as well as 117 health centres and six hospitals.
Hurricane Mitch set back development in Nicaragua
In 1998 the GDP grew by 4% which was less than estimated.
Exports of rice and corn went down because crops were damaged by the hurricane. This meant people earnt less money so were poorer and the government had less money to spend on development.

The total damage caused by the hurricane is estimated to be $1.2 billion

The education of children suffered- the number of children that worked rather than went to school increased by 8.1%
Hurricane Mitch set back development in Honduras
In 1998 money from agriculture made up 27% of the country's GDP. In 2000 this had fallen to 18% because of the damage to crops. This reduced the quality of life for people who worked in agriculture because they made less money.

GDP was estimated to grow 5% in 1998 but it only grew by 3% due to the hurricane. This meant less money was available for development.

The cost of repairing and repairing houses, schools and hospitals was estimated to be $439 million- this money could have been used to develop the country.

All these things set back development- the Honduran President claimed hurricane mitch destroyed 5o years of progress.

Moving from rural areas to urban areas- things like water, food and jobs are easier to get in towns and cities.

Some people improve their quality of life by improving their environment e.g their houses.

Communities can work together to improve the quality of life for everyone in the community, e.g some communities build and run services like schools
Fair trade is all about getting a fair price for goods produced in poorer countries.

Companies who want to sell products labelled as fair trade have to pay produces a fair price .

Buyers also pay extra on top of the fair trade price to help develop the area the goods come from.

Only producers that treat their  employees well can take part in the scheme.
Producers in a fair trade scheme often produce a lot because of the prices – this can lead them to produce too much. An excess will make world prices fall and cause producers who aren't in a fair trade scheme to lose out.
These are groups of countries that make agreements to reduce barriers to trade (e.g. to reduce import taxes)- this increases trade between members of the group.

When a poor country joins a trading group, the amount of money the country gets from trading increases-more money means that more development can take place.

However, its not easy for poorer countries that aren't part of trading groups to export goods to countries that are part of trading groups. This reduces  the export income of non-trading group countries and slows down their development.

Aid is given by one country in the form of money or resources.
The country that gives the aid is called the donor-the one that receives the aid is called the recipient.
There are two main sources of aid from donor countries- governments (paid for by taxes0 and Non governmental Organisations (NGOs, paid for by voluntary donations
There are two different ways donor governments can give aid to recipient countries
Directly to the recipient – bilateral aid
Indirectly through an international organisation that distributes the aid- this is called multilateral aid
Bilateral aid can be tied –this means its given with the condition that the recipient country has to buy the goods and services .This helps the economy of the donor country. However, if the goods and services are expensive in the donor country, the aid doesn’t go as far as it would if they were bought elsewhere.
Aid can be classed as either short term or long term depending on what its used for

Aid has one big disadvantage to donor countries- it costs them money and resources. However one advantage is that the recipient countries become their political allies.

Some recipient countries don’t use aid effectively because they have corrupt governments.
Constructing schools to improve literacy rates and hospitals to reduce mortality rates.
Building dams and wells to improve clean water supplies.
Providing farming knowledge and equipment to improve agriculture.
International aid donors encourage sustainable development
Sustainable development means developing in a way that doesn’t irreversibly damage the environment or use up resources faster than they can be replaced.

FARM-Africa is a non governmental organisation that provides aid to eastern Africa.
Its funded by voluntary donations
It was founded in 1985 to reduce rural poverty.
FARM-Africa runs programmes in five African countries- Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
FARM-Africa has been operating in Ethiopia since 1988.

Bulgaria is less developed than the Uk

Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007.It is less developed than the UK for example:

IN 2007 Bulgaria had a GNI per head of $11 180 and the UK had a GNI per head of $33 800.
Life expectancy in Bulgaria is six years lower (73 compared to 79)
The HDI for Bulgaria is 0.824 whereas its 0.947 for the UK.

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