Not broken into subgroups
2) Nonvascular Plants
a) seedless plants
b) seed plants
broken into 2 more subgroups called:
1) Vascular Plants
Process in which plants use water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun to make food
only occurs in the chloroplasts
releases oxygen
Root word synthesis means:to make
Prefix photo means:Light
have holes through which cells share cytoplasm & pass nutrients sugars, water, and hormones
stiff cell walls give structure to each cell
4) Plant cells have cell walls (animal cells do not)
the chemical that gives plants their green color

traps light energy for photosynthesis

they’re green because they have chlorophyll

1) Multi-celled organisms
2) Plants make their own food by photosynthesis
3) They have chloroplasts

tube-like cells that carry food, which is made in the leaves, to all parts of the plant
tube-like cells that carry water & dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves
think of tiny a plumbing system
each one has a specific function (job)
vascular plants have 2 different types of tube-like structures inside them
place where all of the chloroplasts are located
holds the leaves up to the sunlight
carry water to all parts of the plant
takes in H2O & nutrients directly from the soil
anchors the plant into the ground
Vascular Plant Organs:( roots, stems, & leaves)
Vascular Plants:  3 organs and their jobs
roots, stems, and leaves of a plant are all called organs
Vascular comes from the Latin word “vasculum” which means “vessel”

plants that have tube-like cells in their roots, stems, & leaves that carry H2O and nutrients

the cases that hold the spores look like brown and orange spots
reproduce by spores formed on the underside of the leaf
ferns are classified by their leaves
loses leaves at the end of each growing season
divided into tiny leaflets that look “feathery”
Vascular Plants: Seedless (ferns)
stem stores the food & water
they have adapted to grow in other environments:
usually grow in moist shady areas
Ferns- seedless plants
Ex: conifers & flowering plants
Vascular plant that have seeds for reproduction
Vascular plant that DO NOT have seeds
Vascular Plants: Two Main Groups

tightly coiled new leaves
full grown leaves that stand vertically
anchor the fern
an underground stem that anchored by the roots
Vascular Plants: Seedless (ferns)

a type of conifer that keeps its leaves all year long
they lose their leaves like a pet sheds
some lose their leaves in the fall only such as:
larch, dawn redwood, & bald cypress

A plant embryo that contains a new young plant and stored food surrounded by a protective coat
An organism that contains a new young plant and stored food in its earliest stage of birth
a type of seed plant that produces its  seeds inside a cone
Vascular Plants: Seed Plants (conifers)

1) List the 4 general characteristics of plants
2) Define photosynthesis.
3)  In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?
4) What are the 3 main ingredients for photosynthesis?
5)  List two function (job) of the cell wall in plants.
6)  List the two main types of plants.

Directions: List 10 items that are made from                   conifers

Vascular Plants: Seed Plants (conifers)
5 important facts about conifers
1) ¾ of the worlds lumber is from conifers
2) provide almost all of the worlds paper
3) source of turpentine's, disinfectants, and fuel

4) Provides food for many animals

5) Provides shelter for many animals

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