Large hydrant breakout nube "(LHC) has started working again in 2013 after the first rounds of machine prutunz are 27 km tunnel.

Woven into the scientific laboratory of particles in the pipes parallel rays travel at the speed of light to both sides began.

At least one month but these particles do not collide inside the LHC collision energy, which will double it was before.

Scientists hope that their models out of styndrz 'new physics' will reflect.

LHC CERN Director General Rolf daytr watchdog hyuyr congratulated the engineers and scientists said 'Thank you very much, now the hard work begins. "

CERN Director Frederick border ayksylyrytrz and Technology said that after two years of trying, LHC is in a good condition. "

"But the most important step when it comes time to record, we will raise the energy of these rays."

These rays have been delayed a week schedule, which was an electrical fault has been corrected now. 

CERN's Director General, said: "I am very happy and I like all those in the control center."

Prutunz less energy will be thrown in at the beginning. But scientists hope that in the coming months, the energy of the rays will raise up to 13 billion electro-ults that the LHC will be operated twice.

8:30 GMT engineers on the proton beam in the large circle and began to leave one by one. Then, in parallel with the second beam left.

Experimental teams of the particles 'splashes' who had seen the proton beam hitting the shutter are on track.

The current standard model of particle physics physicist were very disappointed. The 17 atomic particles, which describes the substance is made up of 12 five-power are inclusive. "The Higgs boson is a LHC was discovered in 2012.

uncovered secrets of the universe will never be able to.

Scientists say the discovery of nyyzry the observation may help to identify substances that act comes into existence.

The city of Geneva in Switzerland in July 2012, Large hydrun breakout nube, scientists associated with the project or the Higgs boson 'God particle' discovery of the claimed particles.

The imaginative subtle element of the Higgs boson, or "the atomic" particles which caused the creation of the universe is made.

Professor Peter Higgs theory of the Higgs boson is the creator of the decade of the sixty-first theory was presented. 

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