US government computer manufacturer Intel the world's fastest supercomputer capacity to allow China has refused to help.

Intel, Tyan only 2 'to update computer chips Thousands obtain licenses to export the application.

US Department of Commerce, saying that this application was dismissed concerns that the nuclear research work is done by computer.

Computer maker Intel processor with the US government to local laboratory fastest supercomputer already has 20 million dollar contract.

"Tian only 2, 80 thousand using Intel chips calculations per second capacity of 33 peta-flops will get. Hassan trillion per second in a pytaflap can book.

Spray the top 500 computers to monitor the 2 mtabq'tyan the last 18 months is the world's fastest computer.

This year China will further improve the ability of the computer to which different kinds of upgrades needed depends largely on Intel chips Yuan.

The chip maker had warned the US authorities were asked to get the license.

US Department of Commerce through a notice from Intel Tian He and three other Chinese supercomputers only 2 chips for export request is rejected because the computer 'nuclear activities' are used.

It further notes that the company will go where it should supercomputer national security or foreign policy interests of the United States can work against.

ID chip maker said in a statement to news kh'antl following the notification of the application for a license had been rejected and we have to follow the law. "

China to speed up the process of making chips themselves around and upgrades to increase the capacity of supercomputers to complete the process of trying to.

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