Technological development has minimized the size of the electronic items. While many of the same features of collecting and spending and lack of space in the house also has a solution. Try a chocolate bar shape has been drawn up in such a device. I put the TV, this TV is a complete computer converts.

King Google has developed this device technology. And it is called HD MI Chrome bit. When the TV is put in. If the TV is turned to the computer monitor. Wireless keyboard and mouse when it is capable of. Which is run with the help of Bluetooth.

Google says. Chrome-bit device that has a full computer. And it is smaller in size than a candy bar. And it can be bought for $ 100. According to Google this is an upgrade system. Schools and bzs which is highly karadmd. When the device is being worked from 2011 to. And at the same low price for students Surface Tablet has been developed. Which is specifically designed for low-income people.

The company says. The Android software for mobile phones that are designed similar to Chrome Systems. Thanks to the use of computers has become even easier and cheaper.

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